Goin' Down Slow

"Goin' Down Slow" or "Going Down Slow" is a blues song written by St. Louis Jimmy Oden, originally released in 1941. Howlin' Wolf included the song on his 1962 Rocking Chair Album.

The song alternates between sung and spoken passages. The sung passages are the reflections of a dying man:

I have had my fun, if I don't get well no more
My health is failing me, and I'm going down slow
Please write my mother, tell her the shape I'm in
Tell her to pray for me, forgive me for my sin

The spoken passages (by Willie Dixon on Wolf's release) deal with relationship:

Now looka here...
I did not say I was a millionaire...
But I said I have spent more money than a millionaire!
Cause if I had've kept all my money that I'd already spent,
I would've been a millionaire a looong time ago...

Due largely to Wolf's recording, it has since become a blues standard, and has been recorded by countless blues and rock artists, including: